Neural Networks

Expanded Technical Overview.

NeuralNetwork.ID as the identifier of the neural Network.


ID will only work with instances of NeuralNetwork  will show all instances created.

neuralNetwork.getLayers() - gets the layers in the neural network instance.

for example:

let nn = new neurons.NeuralNetwork();


The module provides a framework for creating and managing neurons, neural networks, and layers within neural networks.

Neural Networks

A neural network is a connected group of neurons, typically organized in layers. The module represents a neural network with the NeuralNetwork class, which has methods to add layers and get all layers.

A neural network is created by instantiating a new NeuralNetwork.

// Create a new Neural Network

let neuralNetwork = new neurons.NeuralNetwork();


Layers are subdivisions within a neural network, containing a group of neurons. The module represents a layer with the Layer class, which has methods to add neurons, remove neurons, and get neurons.

A layer is created by instantiating a new Layer, and neurons are added to the layer using the addNeuron method.

// Create three layers: input, hidden, and output

let inputLayer = new neurons.Layer();

let hiddenLayer = new neurons.Layer();

let outputLayer = new neurons.Layer();

// Now you can add multiple layers at once: 

let layer = new neurons.Layer();

let layer2 = new neurons.Layer();

let layer3 = new neurons.Layer();

let neuralNetwork = new neurons.NeuralNetwork();

neuralNetwork.addLayer(layer, layer2, layer3);

Example Usage

In the provided code, a new neural network is created with three layers. Three neurons are created with the default modules and added to the layers of the neural network.

This framework provides flexibility in creating and organizing neurons, allowing you to customize the structure of your neural network to suit your specific needs. It also maintains a global map of all neurons, providing an overview of all created neurons. This can be useful for tracking and managing neurons in larger, more complex neural network structures.

const neurons = require('');

// Create a new Neural Network

let neuralNetwork = new neurons.NeuralNetwork();

// Create three layers: input, hidden, and output

let inputLayer = new neurons.Layer();

let hiddenLayer = new neurons.Layer();

let outputLayer = new neurons.Layer();

// Add three neurons to each layer

for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {

let inputNeuron = neurons.createNeuron({ load: neurons.defacto });

let hiddenNeuron = neurons.createNeuron({ load: neurons.defacto });

let outputNeuron = neurons.createNeuron({ load: neurons.defacto });





// Add the layers to the Neural Network




// Now you have a simple feedforward neural network with 3 layers


NeuralNetwork {

  layers: [

    Layer { neurons: [Map] },

    Layer { neurons: [Map] },

    Layer { neurons: [Map] }



The Map Object

The Map objects inside each Layer object contain the neurons that belong to that layer. A Map is a built-in JavaScript object that holds key-value pairs and remembers the original insertion order of the keys. In the case of the Layer object, the key is the processID of the neuron and the value is the neuron object itself.

You can access the Map object and its values in several ways:

let neuron = neuralNetwork.layers[0].getNeuron(1);

for (let [processID, neuron] of neuralNetwork.layers[0].getNeurons()) {

    console.log(processID, neuron);


let neuronsMap = neuralNetwork.layers[0].neurons;

for (let [processID, neuron] of neuronsMap) {

    console.log(processID, neuron);


Please replace the [0] with the index of the layer you want to access. The indices start from 0, so the first layer is at index 0, the second layer at index 1, and so on

Here are a few reasons why this design works well:

The order of layers 

The order in which you create the neurons, layers, and neural network doesn't generally affect the final outcome, but it does influence the structure and readability of your code. Here's a brief comparison:

Creating the Neural Network First

When you create the neural network first, you're effectively setting up the structure of the neural network in advance. This can make your code easier to read and understand, as the structure of the neural network is clearly defined from the start. However, this approach requires you to know in advance how many layers your neural network will have, which may not always be the case, especially in more complex or dynamic scenarios.

Creating the Neurons and Layers First

When you create the neurons and layers first, you have more flexibility to build and modify your neural network dynamically. You can create, modify, and test individual neurons and layers before adding them to the neural network. This approach can be beneficial when you're experimenting with different configurations or when the structure of the neural network needs to change dynamically based on certain conditions.

In practice, you might find yourself using a combination of both approaches. For example, you might create the neural network and some initial layers first, then create and add more neurons and layers as needed. Ultimately, the best approach depends on the specific requirements and constraints of your project.

The order of layers in a neural network is typically determined by the order in which they are added to the network.

When you add a layer to the neural network, it's usually appended to the end of the list of layers. This means the first layer you add will be the input layer, the last layer you add will be the output layer, and any layers you add in between will be hidden layers.

Here's an example of how you might create a neural network with an input layer, two hidden layers, and an output layer:

const neurons = require('');

// Create the neurons

const neuron1 = neurons.createNeuron({ weights: [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], bias: 0.4, activationFunction: x => 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-x)) });

const neuron2 = neurons.createNeuron({ weights: [0.3, 0.2, 0.1], bias: 0.3, activationFunction: x => 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-x)) });

const neuron3 = neurons.createNeuron({ weights: [0.2, 0.1, 0.3], bias: 0.2, activationFunction: x => 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-x)) });

const neuron4 = neurons.createNeuron({ weights: [0.1, 0.3, 0.2], bias: 0.1, activationFunction: x => 1 / (1 + Math.exp(-x)) });

// Create the layers and add the neurons

const layer1 = new neurons.Layer();


const layer2 = new neurons.Layer();


const layer3 = new neurons.Layer();


const layer4 = new neurons.Layer();


// Create the neural network and add the layers

const neuralNetwork = new neurons.NeuralNetwork();

neuralNetwork.addLayer(layer1); // input layer

neuralNetwork.addLayer(layer2); // hidden layer 1

neuralNetwork.addLayer(layer3); // hidden layer 2

neuralNetwork.addLayer(layer4); // output layer

In this example, layer1 is the input layer because it's the first layer added to the neural network, layer2 and layer3 are hidden layers because they're added after the input layer but before the output layer, and layer4 is the output layer because it's the last layer added to the network.